Derek Masselink Rotating Header Image

Derek’s Platform

I View Challenges as Opportunities

I believe we are facing serious economic, environmental, and social challenges that will directly affect our lives on Pender Island. If elected, I will work to identify practical approaches to these challenges that provide long-term community benefits. 

In challenging times, successful communities work together. My current work involves bringing people together to address challenging land use issues.

As Your Trustee:

I will use my experience to engage the community in open and productive dialogue on important issues like:

  • Improving our collective understanding of the Islands Trust form of government and the responsibilities of the Local Trust Committee;
  • Local land use decisions;
  • Protecting our drinking water and our farmland;
  • Local food production; and
  • Affordable housing and alternative transportation initiatives. 

I will serve the diverse elements of our talented community who make North Pender the wonderful home and place that it is. 

I will approach each and every decision with the following questions:

  1. Is this in the long-term interest of our community?
  2. Does this support the object of the Trust?
  3. Will it ensure our Island’s future as a community and public legacy for our children and grandchildren? 

I will bring new energy and ideas to the Islands Trust – a government body that I respect and understand. The opportunity to serve as your Trustee would allow me to give back to this community  - a community that has already given so much to my family, and to me.

For more information on Derek’s platform please see his November 12th Newsletter