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Derek Masselink lives and farms with his family in Hope Bay on North Pender Island. They moved to the family property in the fall of 2003 and have spent the past five years creating an organic market garden.

Derek is the owner and principal of Masselink Environmental Design. Located in historic Hope Bay, his business provides a range of environmental planning, design and management consulting services to  a wide range of clients in the Gulf Islands and across BC.

Trained as both an ecologist and landscape architect, Derek is a known provincially for his work in ecological landscape planning and design, ecological farming and urban agriculture. He has over 15 years of experience in ecological landscape design, planning and management working in a range of fields including rural community planning, sustainable and urban agriculture, aquaculture, wildlife research, park planning, and First Nations treaty negotiations.  

Derek is passionate about the environment, rural communities, healthy community development, community engagement, good food, good farming and forestry. He and his family love living on North Pender and are active participants in this amazingly supportive and talented community.