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Lots of Shallots!

They’re up the Ambitious buggers!

More Planting

Carrots and salad mix planted in the polyhouse today (under cover for extra warmth).

Our Strawberries Have Arrived!

We now have fresh-picked strawberries available in limited quantities each day. Due to a recent bout of petty theft at our stand they are only available by pre-order by phone (250.629.6934) or via email to info@hopebayfarm.com. We are selling them for $4.00/pint.

Planting Strawberries

A late planting of a new type (to us) of ever-bearing Seascape strawberries. This day-neutral variety is becoming known for the quantity, quality, and tastiness of its fruit which it bears from June into September. Apparently it also does well in space! Who knew. Well we’re trying it out and depending on how it does this year we will plant more next spring.

Potato Observations

Who new that potatoes close up like a flower at night. I was installing irrigation late at Karl’s farm – one moment that potatoes were all open – apparently basking in the late afternoon sun. As soon as the sun set the potato plants pulled up their leaves – giving the appearance of a field of romaine lettuce. Cool!